Continuing Teacher & Leader Education (CTLE) Hours 

Required Professional Learning

The Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) requirement for New York State began on July 1, 2016. The requirement applies to holders of professional certificates in classroom teaching, educational leadership, and Level III teaching assistants.

Who is qualified to offer CTLE Professional Learning?
Professional Learning  for CTLE hours must be provided by an organization with a designated CTLE Sponsor Number assigned by the NYS Department of Education. 

 *Intercounty Teacher Center is an authorized provider.

Who needs to complete CTLE hours?
If you have PERMANENT certification, you do not need to complete CTLE hours.

Teachers with Professional Certification and Level III Teaching Assistants are required to complete and track 100 CTLE hours in each five year registration cycle.

How to submit CTLE hours to the State?
You do not submit your hours. Upon the completion of each five year cycle, you will simply check a box on your TEACH account attesting to your  completed hours. You may or may not be called upon by the State to provide evidence of completion. Your provider will supply a certificate upon completion of the professional development. Certificate of hours should be retained as part of your records.  

How long must certificates of CTLE hours be kept?
Eight years (It is suggested you maintain a digital and paper copy.)

For more information from NYSUT:

FACT SHEET from NYSUT for Teachers: 


FACT SHEET from NYSUT for Teaching Assistants Level III:

This Information was taken from the NYSUT website.